/** * Copyright 2018 Confluent Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package kafka import ( "context" "fmt" "strings" "time" "unsafe" ) /* #include "select_rdkafka.h" #include static const rd_kafka_topic_result_t * topic_result_by_idx (const rd_kafka_topic_result_t **topics, size_t cnt, size_t idx) { if (idx >= cnt) return NULL; return topics[idx]; } static const rd_kafka_ConfigResource_t * ConfigResource_by_idx (const rd_kafka_ConfigResource_t **res, size_t cnt, size_t idx) { if (idx >= cnt) return NULL; return res[idx]; } static const rd_kafka_ConfigEntry_t * ConfigEntry_by_idx (const rd_kafka_ConfigEntry_t **entries, size_t cnt, size_t idx) { if (idx >= cnt) return NULL; return entries[idx]; } */ import "C" // AdminClient is derived from an existing Producer or Consumer type AdminClient struct { handle *handle isDerived bool // Derived from existing client handle } func durationToMilliseconds(t time.Duration) int { if t > 0 { return (int)(t.Seconds() * 1000.0) } return (int)(t) } // TopicResult provides per-topic operation result (error) information. type TopicResult struct { // Topic name Topic string // Error, if any, of result. Check with `Error.Code() != ErrNoError`. Error Error } // String returns a human-readable representation of a TopicResult. func (t TopicResult) String() string { if t.Error.code == 0 { return t.Topic } return fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", t.Topic, t.Error.str) } // TopicSpecification holds parameters for creating a new topic. // TopicSpecification is analogous to NewTopic in the Java Topic Admin API. type TopicSpecification struct { // Topic name to create. Topic string // Number of partitions in topic. NumPartitions int // Default replication factor for the topic's partitions, or zero // if an explicit ReplicaAssignment is set. ReplicationFactor int // (Optional) Explicit replica assignment. The outer array is // indexed by the partition number, while the inner per-partition array // contains the replica broker ids. The first broker in each // broker id list will be the preferred replica. ReplicaAssignment [][]int32 // Topic configuration. Config map[string]string } // PartitionsSpecification holds parameters for creating additional partitions for a topic. // PartitionsSpecification is analogous to NewPartitions in the Java Topic Admin API. type PartitionsSpecification struct { // Topic to create more partitions for. Topic string // New partition count for topic, must be higher than current partition count. IncreaseTo int // (Optional) Explicit replica assignment. The outer array is // indexed by the new partition index (i.e., 0 for the first added // partition), while the inner per-partition array // contains the replica broker ids. The first broker in each // broker id list will be the preferred replica. ReplicaAssignment [][]int32 } // ResourceType represents an Apache Kafka resource type type ResourceType int const ( // ResourceUnknown - Unknown ResourceUnknown = ResourceType(C.RD_KAFKA_RESOURCE_UNKNOWN) // ResourceAny - match any resource type (DescribeConfigs) ResourceAny = ResourceType(C.RD_KAFKA_RESOURCE_ANY) // ResourceTopic - Topic ResourceTopic = ResourceType(C.RD_KAFKA_RESOURCE_TOPIC) // ResourceGroup - Group ResourceGroup = ResourceType(C.RD_KAFKA_RESOURCE_GROUP) // ResourceBroker - Broker ResourceBroker = ResourceType(C.RD_KAFKA_RESOURCE_BROKER) ) // String returns the human-readable representation of a ResourceType func (t ResourceType) String() string { return C.GoString(C.rd_kafka_ResourceType_name(C.rd_kafka_ResourceType_t(t))) } // ResourceTypeFromString translates a resource type name/string to // a ResourceType value. func ResourceTypeFromString(typeString string) (ResourceType, error) { switch strings.ToUpper(typeString) { case "ANY": return ResourceAny, nil case "TOPIC": return ResourceTopic, nil case "GROUP": return ResourceGroup, nil case "BROKER": return ResourceBroker, nil default: return ResourceUnknown, NewError(ErrInvalidArg, "Unknown resource type", false) } } // ConfigSource represents an Apache Kafka config source type ConfigSource int const ( // ConfigSourceUnknown is the default value ConfigSourceUnknown = ConfigSource(C.RD_KAFKA_CONFIG_SOURCE_UNKNOWN_CONFIG) // ConfigSourceDynamicTopic is dynamic topic config that is configured for a specific topic ConfigSourceDynamicTopic = ConfigSource(C.RD_KAFKA_CONFIG_SOURCE_DYNAMIC_TOPIC_CONFIG) // ConfigSourceDynamicBroker is dynamic broker config that is configured for a specific broker ConfigSourceDynamicBroker = ConfigSource(C.RD_KAFKA_CONFIG_SOURCE_DYNAMIC_BROKER_CONFIG) // ConfigSourceDynamicDefaultBroker is dynamic broker config that is configured as default for all brokers in the cluster ConfigSourceDynamicDefaultBroker = ConfigSource(C.RD_KAFKA_CONFIG_SOURCE_DYNAMIC_DEFAULT_BROKER_CONFIG) // ConfigSourceStaticBroker is static broker config provided as broker properties at startup (e.g. from server.properties file) ConfigSourceStaticBroker = ConfigSource(C.RD_KAFKA_CONFIG_SOURCE_STATIC_BROKER_CONFIG) // ConfigSourceDefault is built-in default configuration for configs that have a default value ConfigSourceDefault = ConfigSource(C.RD_KAFKA_CONFIG_SOURCE_DEFAULT_CONFIG) ) // String returns the human-readable representation of a ConfigSource type func (t ConfigSource) String() string { return C.GoString(C.rd_kafka_ConfigSource_name(C.rd_kafka_ConfigSource_t(t))) } // ConfigResource holds parameters for altering an Apache Kafka configuration resource type ConfigResource struct { // Type of resource to set. Type ResourceType // Name of resource to set. Name string // Config entries to set. // Configuration updates are atomic, any configuration property not provided // here will be reverted (by the broker) to its default value. // Use DescribeConfigs to retrieve the list of current configuration entry values. Config []ConfigEntry } // String returns a human-readable representation of a ConfigResource func (c ConfigResource) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("Resource(%s, %s)", c.Type, c.Name) } // AlterOperation specifies the operation to perform on the ConfigEntry. // Currently only AlterOperationSet. type AlterOperation int const ( // AlterOperationSet sets/overwrites the configuration setting. AlterOperationSet = iota ) // String returns the human-readable representation of an AlterOperation func (o AlterOperation) String() string { switch o { case AlterOperationSet: return "Set" default: return fmt.Sprintf("Unknown%d?", int(o)) } } // ConfigEntry holds parameters for altering a resource's configuration. type ConfigEntry struct { // Name of configuration entry, e.g., topic configuration property name. Name string // Value of configuration entry. Value string // Operation to perform on the entry. Operation AlterOperation } // StringMapToConfigEntries creates a new map of ConfigEntry objects from the // provided string map. The AlterOperation is set on each created entry. func StringMapToConfigEntries(stringMap map[string]string, operation AlterOperation) []ConfigEntry { var ceList []ConfigEntry for k, v := range stringMap { ceList = append(ceList, ConfigEntry{Name: k, Value: v, Operation: operation}) } return ceList } // String returns a human-readable representation of a ConfigEntry. func (c ConfigEntry) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%v %s=\"%s\"", c.Operation, c.Name, c.Value) } // ConfigEntryResult contains the result of a single configuration entry from a // DescribeConfigs request. type ConfigEntryResult struct { // Name of configuration entry, e.g., topic configuration property name. Name string // Value of configuration entry. Value string // Source indicates the configuration source. Source ConfigSource // IsReadOnly indicates whether the configuration entry can be altered. IsReadOnly bool // IsSensitive indicates whether the configuration entry contains sensitive information, in which case the value will be unset. IsSensitive bool // IsSynonym indicates whether the configuration entry is a synonym for another configuration property. IsSynonym bool // Synonyms contains a map of configuration entries that are synonyms to this configuration entry. Synonyms map[string]ConfigEntryResult } // String returns a human-readable representation of a ConfigEntryResult. func (c ConfigEntryResult) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s=\"%s\"", c.Name, c.Value) } // setFromC sets up a ConfigEntryResult from a C ConfigEntry func configEntryResultFromC(cEntry *C.rd_kafka_ConfigEntry_t) (entry ConfigEntryResult) { entry.Name = C.GoString(C.rd_kafka_ConfigEntry_name(cEntry)) cValue := C.rd_kafka_ConfigEntry_value(cEntry) if cValue != nil { entry.Value = C.GoString(cValue) } entry.Source = ConfigSource(C.rd_kafka_ConfigEntry_source(cEntry)) entry.IsReadOnly = cint2bool(C.rd_kafka_ConfigEntry_is_read_only(cEntry)) entry.IsSensitive = cint2bool(C.rd_kafka_ConfigEntry_is_sensitive(cEntry)) entry.IsSynonym = cint2bool(C.rd_kafka_ConfigEntry_is_synonym(cEntry)) var cSynCnt C.size_t cSyns := C.rd_kafka_ConfigEntry_synonyms(cEntry, &cSynCnt) if cSynCnt > 0 { entry.Synonyms = make(map[string]ConfigEntryResult) } for si := 0; si < int(cSynCnt); si++ { cSyn := C.ConfigEntry_by_idx(cSyns, cSynCnt, C.size_t(si)) Syn := configEntryResultFromC(cSyn) entry.Synonyms[Syn.Name] = Syn } return entry } // ConfigResourceResult provides the result for a resource from a AlterConfigs or // DescribeConfigs request. type ConfigResourceResult struct { // Type of returned result resource. Type ResourceType // Name of returned result resource. Name string // Error, if any, of returned result resource. Error Error // Config entries, if any, of returned result resource. Config map[string]ConfigEntryResult } // String returns a human-readable representation of a ConfigResourceResult. func (c ConfigResourceResult) String() string { if c.Error.Code() != 0 { return fmt.Sprintf("ResourceResult(%s, %s, \"%v\")", c.Type, c.Name, c.Error) } return fmt.Sprintf("ResourceResult(%s, %s, %d config(s))", c.Type, c.Name, len(c.Config)) } // waitResult waits for a result event on cQueue or the ctx to be cancelled, whichever happens // first. // The returned result event is checked for errors its error is returned if set. func (a *AdminClient) waitResult(ctx context.Context, cQueue *C.rd_kafka_queue_t, cEventType C.rd_kafka_event_type_t) (rkev *C.rd_kafka_event_t, err error) { resultChan := make(chan *C.rd_kafka_event_t) closeChan := make(chan bool) // never written to, just closed go func() { for { select { case _, ok := <-closeChan: if !ok { // Context cancelled/timed out close(resultChan) return } default: // Wait for result event for at most 50ms // to avoid blocking for too long if // context is cancelled. rkev := C.rd_kafka_queue_poll(cQueue, 50) if rkev != nil { resultChan <- rkev close(resultChan) return } } } }() select { case rkev = <-resultChan: // Result type check if cEventType != C.rd_kafka_event_type(rkev) { err = newErrorFromString(ErrInvalidType, fmt.Sprintf("Expected %d result event, not %d", (int)(cEventType), (int)(C.rd_kafka_event_type(rkev)))) C.rd_kafka_event_destroy(rkev) return nil, err } // Generic error handling cErr := C.rd_kafka_event_error(rkev) if cErr != 0 { err = newErrorFromCString(cErr, C.rd_kafka_event_error_string(rkev)) C.rd_kafka_event_destroy(rkev) return nil, err } close(closeChan) return rkev, nil case <-ctx.Done(): // signal close to go-routine close(closeChan) // wait for close from go-routine to make sure it is done // using cQueue before we return. rkev, ok := <-resultChan if ok { // throw away result since context was cancelled C.rd_kafka_event_destroy(rkev) } return nil, ctx.Err() } } // cToTopicResults converts a C topic_result_t array to Go TopicResult list. func (a *AdminClient) cToTopicResults(cTopicRes **C.rd_kafka_topic_result_t, cCnt C.size_t) (result []TopicResult, err error) { result = make([]TopicResult, int(cCnt)) for i := 0; i < int(cCnt); i++ { cTopic := C.topic_result_by_idx(cTopicRes, cCnt, C.size_t(i)) result[i].Topic = C.GoString(C.rd_kafka_topic_result_name(cTopic)) result[i].Error = newErrorFromCString( C.rd_kafka_topic_result_error(cTopic), C.rd_kafka_topic_result_error_string(cTopic)) } return result, nil } // cConfigResourceToResult converts a C ConfigResource result array to Go ConfigResourceResult func (a *AdminClient) cConfigResourceToResult(cRes **C.rd_kafka_ConfigResource_t, cCnt C.size_t) (result []ConfigResourceResult, err error) { result = make([]ConfigResourceResult, int(cCnt)) for i := 0; i < int(cCnt); i++ { cRes := C.ConfigResource_by_idx(cRes, cCnt, C.size_t(i)) result[i].Type = ResourceType(C.rd_kafka_ConfigResource_type(cRes)) result[i].Name = C.GoString(C.rd_kafka_ConfigResource_name(cRes)) result[i].Error = newErrorFromCString( C.rd_kafka_ConfigResource_error(cRes), C.rd_kafka_ConfigResource_error_string(cRes)) var cConfigCnt C.size_t cConfigs := C.rd_kafka_ConfigResource_configs(cRes, &cConfigCnt) if cConfigCnt > 0 { result[i].Config = make(map[string]ConfigEntryResult) } for ci := 0; ci < int(cConfigCnt); ci++ { cEntry := C.ConfigEntry_by_idx(cConfigs, cConfigCnt, C.size_t(ci)) entry := configEntryResultFromC(cEntry) result[i].Config[entry.Name] = entry } } return result, nil } // ClusterID returns the cluster ID as reported in broker metadata. // // Note on cancellation: Although the underlying C function respects the // timeout, it currently cannot be manually cancelled. That means manually // cancelling the context will block until the C function call returns. // // Requires broker version >= 0.10.0. func (a *AdminClient) ClusterID(ctx context.Context) (clusterID string, err error) { responseChan := make(chan *C.char, 1) go func() { responseChan <- C.rd_kafka_clusterid(a.handle.rk, cTimeoutFromContext(ctx)) }() select { case <-ctx.Done(): if cClusterID := <-responseChan; cClusterID != nil { C.rd_kafka_mem_free(a.handle.rk, unsafe.Pointer(cClusterID)) } return "", ctx.Err() case cClusterID := <-responseChan: if cClusterID == nil { // C timeout <-ctx.Done() return "", ctx.Err() } defer C.rd_kafka_mem_free(a.handle.rk, unsafe.Pointer(cClusterID)) return C.GoString(cClusterID), nil } } // ControllerID returns the broker ID of the current controller as reported in // broker metadata. // // Note on cancellation: Although the underlying C function respects the // timeout, it currently cannot be manually cancelled. That means manually // cancelling the context will block until the C function call returns. // // Requires broker version >= 0.10.0. func (a *AdminClient) ControllerID(ctx context.Context) (controllerID int32, err error) { responseChan := make(chan int32, 1) go func() { responseChan <- int32(C.rd_kafka_controllerid(a.handle.rk, cTimeoutFromContext(ctx))) }() select { case <-ctx.Done(): <-responseChan return 0, ctx.Err() case controllerID := <-responseChan: if controllerID < 0 { // C timeout <-ctx.Done() return 0, ctx.Err() } return controllerID, nil } } // CreateTopics creates topics in cluster. // // The list of TopicSpecification objects define the per-topic partition count, replicas, etc. // // Topic creation is non-atomic and may succeed for some topics but fail for others, // make sure to check the result for topic-specific errors. // // Note: TopicSpecification is analogous to NewTopic in the Java Topic Admin API. func (a *AdminClient) CreateTopics(ctx context.Context, topics []TopicSpecification, options ...CreateTopicsAdminOption) (result []TopicResult, err error) { cTopics := make([]*C.rd_kafka_NewTopic_t, len(topics)) cErrstrSize := C.size_t(512) cErrstr := (*C.char)(C.malloc(cErrstrSize)) defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cErrstr)) // Convert Go TopicSpecifications to C TopicSpecifications for i, topic := range topics { var cReplicationFactor C.int if topic.ReplicationFactor == 0 { cReplicationFactor = -1 } else { cReplicationFactor = C.int(topic.ReplicationFactor) } if topic.ReplicaAssignment != nil { if cReplicationFactor != -1 { return nil, newErrorFromString(ErrInvalidArg, "TopicSpecification.ReplicationFactor and TopicSpecification.ReplicaAssignment are mutually exclusive") } if len(topic.ReplicaAssignment) != topic.NumPartitions { return nil, newErrorFromString(ErrInvalidArg, "TopicSpecification.ReplicaAssignment must contain exactly TopicSpecification.NumPartitions partitions") } } cTopics[i] = C.rd_kafka_NewTopic_new( C.CString(topic.Topic), C.int(topic.NumPartitions), cReplicationFactor, cErrstr, cErrstrSize) if cTopics[i] == nil { return nil, newErrorFromString(ErrInvalidArg, fmt.Sprintf("Topic %s: %s", topic.Topic, C.GoString(cErrstr))) } defer C.rd_kafka_NewTopic_destroy(cTopics[i]) for p, replicas := range topic.ReplicaAssignment { cReplicas := make([]C.int32_t, len(replicas)) for ri, replica := range replicas { cReplicas[ri] = C.int32_t(replica) } cErr := C.rd_kafka_NewTopic_set_replica_assignment( cTopics[i], C.int32_t(p), (*C.int32_t)(&cReplicas[0]), C.size_t(len(cReplicas)), cErrstr, cErrstrSize) if cErr != 0 { return nil, newCErrorFromString(cErr, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to set replica assignment for topic %s partition %d: %s", topic.Topic, p, C.GoString(cErrstr))) } } for key, value := range topic.Config { cErr := C.rd_kafka_NewTopic_set_config( cTopics[i], C.CString(key), C.CString(value)) if cErr != 0 { return nil, newCErrorFromString(cErr, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to set config %s=%s for topic %s", key, value, topic.Topic)) } } } // Convert Go AdminOptions (if any) to C AdminOptions genericOptions := make([]AdminOption, len(options)) for i := range options { genericOptions[i] = options[i] } cOptions, err := adminOptionsSetup(a.handle, C.RD_KAFKA_ADMIN_OP_CREATETOPICS, genericOptions) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer C.rd_kafka_AdminOptions_destroy(cOptions) // Create temporary queue for async operation cQueue := C.rd_kafka_queue_new(a.handle.rk) defer C.rd_kafka_queue_destroy(cQueue) // Asynchronous call C.rd_kafka_CreateTopics( a.handle.rk, (**C.rd_kafka_NewTopic_t)(&cTopics[0]), C.size_t(len(cTopics)), cOptions, cQueue) // Wait for result, error or context timeout rkev, err := a.waitResult(ctx, cQueue, C.RD_KAFKA_EVENT_CREATETOPICS_RESULT) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer C.rd_kafka_event_destroy(rkev) cRes := C.rd_kafka_event_CreateTopics_result(rkev) // Convert result from C to Go var cCnt C.size_t cTopicRes := C.rd_kafka_CreateTopics_result_topics(cRes, &cCnt) return a.cToTopicResults(cTopicRes, cCnt) } // DeleteTopics deletes a batch of topics. // // This operation is not transactional and may succeed for a subset of topics while // failing others. // It may take several seconds after the DeleteTopics result returns success for // all the brokers to become aware that the topics are gone. During this time, // topic metadata and configuration may continue to return information about deleted topics. // // Requires broker version >= func (a *AdminClient) DeleteTopics(ctx context.Context, topics []string, options ...DeleteTopicsAdminOption) (result []TopicResult, err error) { cTopics := make([]*C.rd_kafka_DeleteTopic_t, len(topics)) cErrstrSize := C.size_t(512) cErrstr := (*C.char)(C.malloc(cErrstrSize)) defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cErrstr)) // Convert Go DeleteTopics to C DeleteTopics for i, topic := range topics { cTopics[i] = C.rd_kafka_DeleteTopic_new(C.CString(topic)) if cTopics[i] == nil { return nil, newErrorFromString(ErrInvalidArg, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid arguments for topic %s", topic)) } defer C.rd_kafka_DeleteTopic_destroy(cTopics[i]) } // Convert Go AdminOptions (if any) to C AdminOptions genericOptions := make([]AdminOption, len(options)) for i := range options { genericOptions[i] = options[i] } cOptions, err := adminOptionsSetup(a.handle, C.RD_KAFKA_ADMIN_OP_DELETETOPICS, genericOptions) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer C.rd_kafka_AdminOptions_destroy(cOptions) // Create temporary queue for async operation cQueue := C.rd_kafka_queue_new(a.handle.rk) defer C.rd_kafka_queue_destroy(cQueue) // Asynchronous call C.rd_kafka_DeleteTopics( a.handle.rk, (**C.rd_kafka_DeleteTopic_t)(&cTopics[0]), C.size_t(len(cTopics)), cOptions, cQueue) // Wait for result, error or context timeout rkev, err := a.waitResult(ctx, cQueue, C.RD_KAFKA_EVENT_DELETETOPICS_RESULT) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer C.rd_kafka_event_destroy(rkev) cRes := C.rd_kafka_event_DeleteTopics_result(rkev) // Convert result from C to Go var cCnt C.size_t cTopicRes := C.rd_kafka_DeleteTopics_result_topics(cRes, &cCnt) return a.cToTopicResults(cTopicRes, cCnt) } // CreatePartitions creates additional partitions for topics. func (a *AdminClient) CreatePartitions(ctx context.Context, partitions []PartitionsSpecification, options ...CreatePartitionsAdminOption) (result []TopicResult, err error) { cParts := make([]*C.rd_kafka_NewPartitions_t, len(partitions)) cErrstrSize := C.size_t(512) cErrstr := (*C.char)(C.malloc(cErrstrSize)) defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cErrstr)) // Convert Go PartitionsSpecification to C NewPartitions for i, part := range partitions { cParts[i] = C.rd_kafka_NewPartitions_new(C.CString(part.Topic), C.size_t(part.IncreaseTo), cErrstr, cErrstrSize) if cParts[i] == nil { return nil, newErrorFromString(ErrInvalidArg, fmt.Sprintf("Topic %s: %s", part.Topic, C.GoString(cErrstr))) } defer C.rd_kafka_NewPartitions_destroy(cParts[i]) for pidx, replicas := range part.ReplicaAssignment { cReplicas := make([]C.int32_t, len(replicas)) for ri, replica := range replicas { cReplicas[ri] = C.int32_t(replica) } cErr := C.rd_kafka_NewPartitions_set_replica_assignment( cParts[i], C.int32_t(pidx), (*C.int32_t)(&cReplicas[0]), C.size_t(len(cReplicas)), cErrstr, cErrstrSize) if cErr != 0 { return nil, newCErrorFromString(cErr, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to set replica assignment for topic %s new partition index %d: %s", part.Topic, pidx, C.GoString(cErrstr))) } } } // Convert Go AdminOptions (if any) to C AdminOptions genericOptions := make([]AdminOption, len(options)) for i := range options { genericOptions[i] = options[i] } cOptions, err := adminOptionsSetup(a.handle, C.RD_KAFKA_ADMIN_OP_CREATEPARTITIONS, genericOptions) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer C.rd_kafka_AdminOptions_destroy(cOptions) // Create temporary queue for async operation cQueue := C.rd_kafka_queue_new(a.handle.rk) defer C.rd_kafka_queue_destroy(cQueue) // Asynchronous call C.rd_kafka_CreatePartitions( a.handle.rk, (**C.rd_kafka_NewPartitions_t)(&cParts[0]), C.size_t(len(cParts)), cOptions, cQueue) // Wait for result, error or context timeout rkev, err := a.waitResult(ctx, cQueue, C.RD_KAFKA_EVENT_CREATEPARTITIONS_RESULT) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer C.rd_kafka_event_destroy(rkev) cRes := C.rd_kafka_event_CreatePartitions_result(rkev) // Convert result from C to Go var cCnt C.size_t cTopicRes := C.rd_kafka_CreatePartitions_result_topics(cRes, &cCnt) return a.cToTopicResults(cTopicRes, cCnt) } // AlterConfigs alters/updates cluster resource configuration. // // Updates are not transactional so they may succeed for a subset // of the provided resources while others fail. // The configuration for a particular resource is updated atomically, // replacing values using the provided ConfigEntrys and reverting // unspecified ConfigEntrys to their default values. // // Requires broker version >= // // AlterConfigs will replace all existing configuration for // the provided resources with the new configuration given, // reverting all other configuration to their default values. // // Multiple resources and resource types may be set, but at most one // resource of type ResourceBroker is allowed per call since these // resource requests must be sent to the broker specified in the resource. func (a *AdminClient) AlterConfigs(ctx context.Context, resources []ConfigResource, options ...AlterConfigsAdminOption) (result []ConfigResourceResult, err error) { cRes := make([]*C.rd_kafka_ConfigResource_t, len(resources)) cErrstrSize := C.size_t(512) cErrstr := (*C.char)(C.malloc(cErrstrSize)) defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cErrstr)) // Convert Go ConfigResources to C ConfigResources for i, res := range resources { cRes[i] = C.rd_kafka_ConfigResource_new( C.rd_kafka_ResourceType_t(res.Type), C.CString(res.Name)) if cRes[i] == nil { return nil, newErrorFromString(ErrInvalidArg, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid arguments for resource %v", res)) } defer C.rd_kafka_ConfigResource_destroy(cRes[i]) for _, entry := range res.Config { var cErr C.rd_kafka_resp_err_t switch entry.Operation { case AlterOperationSet: cErr = C.rd_kafka_ConfigResource_set_config( cRes[i], C.CString(entry.Name), C.CString(entry.Value)) default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid ConfigEntry.Operation: %v", entry.Operation)) } if cErr != 0 { return nil, newCErrorFromString(cErr, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to add configuration %s: %s", entry, C.GoString(C.rd_kafka_err2str(cErr)))) } } } // Convert Go AdminOptions (if any) to C AdminOptions genericOptions := make([]AdminOption, len(options)) for i := range options { genericOptions[i] = options[i] } cOptions, err := adminOptionsSetup(a.handle, C.RD_KAFKA_ADMIN_OP_ALTERCONFIGS, genericOptions) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer C.rd_kafka_AdminOptions_destroy(cOptions) // Create temporary queue for async operation cQueue := C.rd_kafka_queue_new(a.handle.rk) defer C.rd_kafka_queue_destroy(cQueue) // Asynchronous call C.rd_kafka_AlterConfigs( a.handle.rk, (**C.rd_kafka_ConfigResource_t)(&cRes[0]), C.size_t(len(cRes)), cOptions, cQueue) // Wait for result, error or context timeout rkev, err := a.waitResult(ctx, cQueue, C.RD_KAFKA_EVENT_ALTERCONFIGS_RESULT) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer C.rd_kafka_event_destroy(rkev) cResult := C.rd_kafka_event_AlterConfigs_result(rkev) // Convert results from C to Go var cCnt C.size_t cResults := C.rd_kafka_AlterConfigs_result_resources(cResult, &cCnt) return a.cConfigResourceToResult(cResults, cCnt) } // DescribeConfigs retrieves configuration for cluster resources. // // The returned configuration includes default values, use // ConfigEntryResult.IsDefault or ConfigEntryResult.Source to distinguish // default values from manually configured settings. // // The value of config entries where .IsSensitive is true // will always be nil to avoid disclosing sensitive // information, such as security settings. // // Configuration entries where .IsReadOnly is true can't be modified // (with AlterConfigs). // // Synonym configuration entries are returned if the broker supports // it (broker version >= 1.1.0). See .Synonyms. // // Requires broker version >= // // Multiple resources and resource types may be requested, but at most // one resource of type ResourceBroker is allowed per call // since these resource requests must be sent to the broker specified // in the resource. func (a *AdminClient) DescribeConfigs(ctx context.Context, resources []ConfigResource, options ...DescribeConfigsAdminOption) (result []ConfigResourceResult, err error) { cRes := make([]*C.rd_kafka_ConfigResource_t, len(resources)) cErrstrSize := C.size_t(512) cErrstr := (*C.char)(C.malloc(cErrstrSize)) defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cErrstr)) // Convert Go ConfigResources to C ConfigResources for i, res := range resources { cRes[i] = C.rd_kafka_ConfigResource_new( C.rd_kafka_ResourceType_t(res.Type), C.CString(res.Name)) if cRes[i] == nil { return nil, newErrorFromString(ErrInvalidArg, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid arguments for resource %v", res)) } defer C.rd_kafka_ConfigResource_destroy(cRes[i]) } // Convert Go AdminOptions (if any) to C AdminOptions genericOptions := make([]AdminOption, len(options)) for i := range options { genericOptions[i] = options[i] } cOptions, err := adminOptionsSetup(a.handle, C.RD_KAFKA_ADMIN_OP_DESCRIBECONFIGS, genericOptions) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer C.rd_kafka_AdminOptions_destroy(cOptions) // Create temporary queue for async operation cQueue := C.rd_kafka_queue_new(a.handle.rk) defer C.rd_kafka_queue_destroy(cQueue) // Asynchronous call C.rd_kafka_DescribeConfigs( a.handle.rk, (**C.rd_kafka_ConfigResource_t)(&cRes[0]), C.size_t(len(cRes)), cOptions, cQueue) // Wait for result, error or context timeout rkev, err := a.waitResult(ctx, cQueue, C.RD_KAFKA_EVENT_DESCRIBECONFIGS_RESULT) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer C.rd_kafka_event_destroy(rkev) cResult := C.rd_kafka_event_DescribeConfigs_result(rkev) // Convert results from C to Go var cCnt C.size_t cResults := C.rd_kafka_DescribeConfigs_result_resources(cResult, &cCnt) return a.cConfigResourceToResult(cResults, cCnt) } // GetMetadata queries broker for cluster and topic metadata. // If topic is non-nil only information about that topic is returned, else if // allTopics is false only information about locally used topics is returned, // else information about all topics is returned. // GetMetadata is equivalent to listTopics, describeTopics and describeCluster in the Java API. func (a *AdminClient) GetMetadata(topic *string, allTopics bool, timeoutMs int) (*Metadata, error) { return getMetadata(a, topic, allTopics, timeoutMs) } // String returns a human readable name for an AdminClient instance func (a *AdminClient) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("admin-%s", a.handle.String()) } // get_handle implements the Handle interface func (a *AdminClient) gethandle() *handle { return a.handle } // SetOAuthBearerToken sets the the data to be transmitted // to a broker during SASL/OAUTHBEARER authentication. It will return nil // on success, otherwise an error if: // 1) the token data is invalid (meaning an expiration time in the past // or either a token value or an extension key or value that does not meet // the regular expression requirements as per // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7628#section-3.1); // 2) SASL/OAUTHBEARER is not supported by the underlying librdkafka build; // 3) SASL/OAUTHBEARER is supported but is not configured as the client's // authentication mechanism. func (a *AdminClient) SetOAuthBearerToken(oauthBearerToken OAuthBearerToken) error { return a.handle.setOAuthBearerToken(oauthBearerToken) } // SetOAuthBearerTokenFailure sets the error message describing why token // retrieval/setting failed; it also schedules a new token refresh event for 10 // seconds later so the attempt may be retried. It will return nil on // success, otherwise an error if: // 1) SASL/OAUTHBEARER is not supported by the underlying librdkafka build; // 2) SASL/OAUTHBEARER is supported but is not configured as the client's // authentication mechanism. func (a *AdminClient) SetOAuthBearerTokenFailure(errstr string) error { return a.handle.setOAuthBearerTokenFailure(errstr) } // Close an AdminClient instance. func (a *AdminClient) Close() { if a.isDerived { // Derived AdminClient needs no cleanup. a.handle = &handle{} return } a.handle.cleanup() C.rd_kafka_destroy(a.handle.rk) } // NewAdminClient creats a new AdminClient instance with a new underlying client instance func NewAdminClient(conf *ConfigMap) (*AdminClient, error) { err := versionCheck() if err != nil { return nil, err } a := &AdminClient{} a.handle = &handle{} // Convert ConfigMap to librdkafka conf_t cConf, err := conf.convert() if err != nil { return nil, err } cErrstr := (*C.char)(C.malloc(C.size_t(256))) defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cErrstr)) C.rd_kafka_conf_set_events(cConf, C.RD_KAFKA_EVENT_STATS|C.RD_KAFKA_EVENT_ERROR|C.RD_KAFKA_EVENT_OAUTHBEARER_TOKEN_REFRESH) // Create librdkafka producer instance. The Producer is somewhat cheaper than // the consumer, but any instance type can be used for Admin APIs. a.handle.rk = C.rd_kafka_new(C.RD_KAFKA_PRODUCER, cConf, cErrstr, 256) if a.handle.rk == nil { return nil, newErrorFromCString(C.RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__INVALID_ARG, cErrstr) } a.isDerived = false a.handle.setup() return a, nil } // NewAdminClientFromProducer derives a new AdminClient from an existing Producer instance. // The AdminClient will use the same configuration and connections as the parent instance. func NewAdminClientFromProducer(p *Producer) (a *AdminClient, err error) { if p.handle.rk == nil { return nil, newErrorFromString(ErrInvalidArg, "Can't derive AdminClient from closed producer") } a = &AdminClient{} a.handle = &p.handle a.isDerived = true return a, nil } // NewAdminClientFromConsumer derives a new AdminClient from an existing Consumer instance. // The AdminClient will use the same configuration and connections as the parent instance. func NewAdminClientFromConsumer(c *Consumer) (a *AdminClient, err error) { if c.handle.rk == nil { return nil, newErrorFromString(ErrInvalidArg, "Can't derive AdminClient from closed consumer") } a = &AdminClient{} a.handle = &c.handle a.isDerived = true return a, nil }