package kafka import ( "fmt" "time" ) /* #include "select_rdkafka.h" */ import "C" // LogEvent represent the log from librdkafka internal log queue type LogEvent struct { Name string // Name of client instance Tag string // Log tag that provides context to the log Message (e.g., "METADATA" or "GRPCOORD") Message string // Log message Level int // Log syslog level, lower is more critical. Timestamp time.Time // Log timestamp } // newLogEvent creates a new LogEvent from the given rd_kafka_event_t. // // This function does not take ownership of the cEvent pointer. You need to // free its resources using C.rd_kafka_event_destroy afterwards. // // The cEvent object needs to be of type C.RD_KAFKA_EVENT_LOG. Calling this // function with an object of another type has undefined behaviour. func (h *handle) newLogEvent(cEvent *C.rd_kafka_event_t) LogEvent { var tag, message *C.char var level C.rd_kafka_event_log(cEvent, &(tag), &(message), &(level)) return LogEvent{ Name:, Tag: C.GoString(tag), Message: C.GoString(message), Level: int(level), Timestamp: time.Now(), } } // pollLogEvents polls log events from librdkafka and pushes them to toChannel, // until doneChan is closed. // // Each call to librdkafka times out after timeoutMs. If a call to librdkafka // is ongoing when doneChan is closed, the function will wait until the call // returns or times out, whatever happens first. func (h *handle) pollLogEvents(toChannel chan LogEvent, timeoutMs int, doneChan chan bool) { for { select { case <-doneChan: return default: cEvent := C.rd_kafka_queue_poll(h.logq, if cEvent == nil { continue } if C.rd_kafka_event_type(cEvent) != C.RD_KAFKA_EVENT_LOG { C.rd_kafka_event_destroy(cEvent) continue } logEvent := h.newLogEvent(cEvent) C.rd_kafka_event_destroy(cEvent) select { case <-doneChan: return case toChannel <- logEvent: continue } } } } func (logEvent LogEvent) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf( "[%v][%s][%s][%d]%s", logEvent.Timestamp.Format(time.RFC3339), logEvent.Name, logEvent.Tag, logEvent.Level, logEvent.Message) }