You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

918 lines
30 KiB

* Copyright 2016 Confluent Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package kafka
import (
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "select_rdkafka.h"
#include "glue_rdkafka.h"
// Convert tmphdrs to chdrs (created by this function).
// If tmphdr.size == -1: value is considered Null
// tmphdr.size == 0: value is considered empty (ignored)
// tmphdr.size > 0: value is considered non-empty
// WARNING: The header keys and values will be freed by this function.
void tmphdrs_to_chdrs (tmphdr_t *tmphdrs, size_t tmphdrsCnt,
rd_kafka_headers_t **chdrs) {
size_t i;
*chdrs = rd_kafka_headers_new(tmphdrsCnt);
for (i = 0 ; i < tmphdrsCnt ; i++) {
tmphdrs[i].key, -1,
tmphdrs[i].size == -1 ? NULL :
(tmphdrs[i].size == 0 ? "" : tmphdrs[i].val),
tmphdrs[i].size == -1 ? 0 : tmphdrs[i].size);
if (tmphdrs[i].size > 0)
free((void *)tmphdrs[i].val);
free((void *)tmphdrs[i].key);
void free_tmphdrs (tmphdr_t *tmphdrs, size_t tmphdrsCnt) {
size_t i;
for (i = 0 ; i < tmphdrsCnt ; i++) {
if (tmphdrs[i].size > 0)
free((void *)tmphdrs[i].val);
free((void *)tmphdrs[i].key);
rd_kafka_resp_err_t do_produce (rd_kafka_t *rk,
rd_kafka_topic_t *rkt, int32_t partition,
int msgflags,
int valIsNull, void *val, size_t val_len,
int keyIsNull, void *key, size_t key_len,
int64_t timestamp,
tmphdr_t *tmphdrs, size_t tmphdrsCnt,
uintptr_t cgoid) {
void *valp = valIsNull ? NULL : val;
void *keyp = keyIsNull ? NULL : key;
rd_kafka_resp_err_t err;
rd_kafka_headers_t *hdrs = NULL;
if (tmphdrsCnt > 0) {
tmphdrs_to_chdrs(tmphdrs, tmphdrsCnt, &hdrs);
free_tmphdrs(tmphdrs, tmphdrsCnt);
err = rd_kafka_producev(rk,
RD_KAFKA_V_VALUE(valp, val_len),
RD_KAFKA_V_KEY(keyp, key_len),
RD_KAFKA_V_OPAQUE((void *)cgoid),
if (err && hdrs)
return err;
if (timestamp)
if (rd_kafka_produce(rkt, partition, msgflags,
valp, val_len,
keyp, key_len,
(void *)cgoid) == -1)
return rd_kafka_last_error();
import "C"
// Producer implements a High-level Apache Kafka Producer instance
type Producer struct {
events chan Event
produceChannel chan *Message
handle handle
// Terminates the poller() goroutine
pollerTermChan chan bool
// String returns a human readable name for a Producer instance
func (p *Producer) String() string {
return p.handle.String()
// get_handle implements the Handle interface
func (p *Producer) gethandle() *handle {
return &p.handle
func (p *Producer) produce(msg *Message, msgFlags int, deliveryChan chan Event) error {
if msg == nil || msg.TopicPartition.Topic == nil || len(*msg.TopicPartition.Topic) == 0 {
return newErrorFromString(ErrInvalidArg, "")
crkt := p.handle.getRkt(*msg.TopicPartition.Topic)
// Three problems:
// 1) There's a difference between an empty Value or Key (length 0, proper pointer) and
// a null Value or Key (length 0, null pointer).
// 2) we need to be able to send a null Value or Key, but the unsafe.Pointer(&slice[0])
// dereference can't be performed on a nil slice.
// 3) cgo's pointer checking requires the unsafe.Pointer(slice..) call to be made
// in the call to the C function.
// Solution:
// Keep track of whether the Value or Key were nil (1), but let the valp and keyp pointers
// point to a 1-byte slice (but the length to send is still 0) so that the dereference (2)
// works.
// Then perform the unsafe.Pointer() on the valp and keyp pointers (which now either point
// to the original msg.Value and msg.Key or to the 1-byte slices) in the call to C (3).
var valp []byte
var keyp []byte
oneByte := []byte{0}
var valIsNull
var keyIsNull
var valLen int
var keyLen int
if msg.Value == nil {
valIsNull = 1
valLen = 0
valp = oneByte
} else {
valLen = len(msg.Value)
if valLen > 0 {
valp = msg.Value
} else {
valp = oneByte
if msg.Key == nil {
keyIsNull = 1
keyLen = 0
keyp = oneByte
} else {
keyLen = len(msg.Key)
if keyLen > 0 {
keyp = msg.Key
} else {
keyp = oneByte
var cgoid int
// Per-message state that needs to be retained through the C code:
// delivery channel (if specified)
// message opaque (if specified)
// Since these cant be passed as opaque pointers to the C code,
// due to cgo constraints, we add them to a per-producer map for lookup
// when the C code triggers the callbacks or events.
if deliveryChan != nil || msg.Opaque != nil {
cgoid = p.handle.cgoPut(cgoDr{deliveryChan: deliveryChan, opaque: msg.Opaque})
var timestamp int64
if !msg.Timestamp.IsZero() {
timestamp = msg.Timestamp.UnixNano() / 1000000
// Convert headers to C-friendly tmphdrs
var tmphdrs []C.tmphdr_t
tmphdrsCnt := len(msg.Headers)
if tmphdrsCnt > 0 {
tmphdrs = make([]C.tmphdr_t, tmphdrsCnt)
for n, hdr := range msg.Headers {
// Make a copy of the key
// to avoid runtime panic with
// foreign Go pointers in cgo.
tmphdrs[n].key = C.CString(hdr.Key)
if hdr.Value != nil {
tmphdrs[n].size = C.ssize_t(len(hdr.Value))
if tmphdrs[n].size > 0 {
// Make a copy of the value
// to avoid runtime panic with
// foreign Go pointers in cgo.
tmphdrs[n].val = C.CBytes(hdr.Value)
} else {
// null value
tmphdrs[n].size = C.ssize_t(-1)
} else {
// no headers, need a dummy tmphdrs of size 1 to avoid index
// out of bounds panic in do_produce() call below.
// tmphdrsCnt will be 0.
tmphdrs = []C.tmphdr_t{{nil, nil, 0}}
cErr := C.do_produce(p.handle.rk, crkt,
valIsNull, unsafe.Pointer(&valp[0]), C.size_t(valLen),
keyIsNull, unsafe.Pointer(&keyp[0]), C.size_t(keyLen),
(*C.tmphdr_t)(unsafe.Pointer(&tmphdrs[0])), C.size_t(tmphdrsCnt),
if cgoid != 0 {
return newError(cErr)
return nil
// Produce single message.
// This is an asynchronous call that enqueues the message on the internal
// transmit queue, thus returning immediately.
// The delivery report will be sent on the provided deliveryChan if specified,
// or on the Producer object's Events() channel if not.
// msg.Timestamp requires librdkafka >= 0.9.4 (else returns ErrNotImplemented),
// api.version.request=true, and broker >=
// msg.Headers requires librdkafka >= 0.11.4 (else returns ErrNotImplemented),
// api.version.request=true, and broker >=
// Returns an error if message could not be enqueued.
func (p *Producer) Produce(msg *Message, deliveryChan chan Event) error {
return p.produce(msg, 0, deliveryChan)
// Produce a batch of messages.
// These batches do not relate to the message batches sent to the broker, the latter
// are collected on the fly internally in librdkafka.
// WARNING: This is an experimental API.
// NOTE: timestamps and headers are not supported with this API.
func (p *Producer) produceBatch(topic string, msgs []*Message, msgFlags int) error {
crkt := p.handle.getRkt(topic)
cmsgs := make([]C.rd_kafka_message_t, len(msgs))
for i, m := range msgs {
p.handle.messageToC(m, &cmsgs[i])
r := C.rd_kafka_produce_batch(crkt, C.RD_KAFKA_PARTITION_UA,|C.RD_KAFKA_MSG_F_FREE,
if r == -1 {
return newError(C.rd_kafka_last_error())
return nil
// Events returns the Events channel (read)
func (p *Producer) Events() chan Event {
// Logs returns the Log channel (if enabled), else nil
func (p *Producer) Logs() chan LogEvent {
return p.handle.logs
// ProduceChannel returns the produce *Message channel (write)
func (p *Producer) ProduceChannel() chan *Message {
return p.produceChannel
// Len returns the number of messages and requests waiting to be transmitted to the broker
// as well as delivery reports queued for the application.
// Includes messages on ProduceChannel.
func (p *Producer) Len() int {
return len(p.produceChannel) + len( + int(C.rd_kafka_outq_len(p.handle.rk))
// Flush and wait for outstanding messages and requests to complete delivery.
// Includes messages on ProduceChannel.
// Runs until value reaches zero or on timeoutMs.
// Returns the number of outstanding events still un-flushed.
func (p *Producer) Flush(timeoutMs int) int {
termChan := make(chan bool) // unused stand-in termChan
d, _ := time.ParseDuration(fmt.Sprintf("%dms", timeoutMs))
tEnd := time.Now().Add(d)
for p.Len() > 0 {
remain := tEnd.Sub(time.Now()).Seconds()
if remain <= 0.0 {
return p.Len()
int(math.Min(100, remain*1000)), 1000, termChan)
return 0
// Close a Producer instance.
// The Producer object or its channels are no longer usable after this call.
func (p *Producer) Close() {
// Wait for poller() (signaled by closing pollerTermChan)
// and channel_producer() (signaled by closing ProduceChannel)
const (
// PurgeInFlight purges messages in-flight to or from the broker.
// Purging these messages will void any future acknowledgements from the
// broker, making it impossible for the application to know if these
// messages were successfully delivered or not.
// Retrying these messages may lead to duplicates.
// PurgeQueue Purge messages in internal queues.
PurgeQueue = int(C.RD_KAFKA_PURGE_F_QUEUE)
// PurgeNonBlocking Don't wait for background thread queue purging to finish.
// Purge messages currently handled by this producer instance.
// flags is a combination of PurgeQueue, PurgeInFlight and PurgeNonBlocking.
// The application will need to call Poll(), Flush() or read the Events() channel
// after this call to serve delivery reports for the purged messages.
// Messages purged from internal queues fail with the delivery report
// error code set to ErrPurgeQueue, while purged messages that
// are in-flight to or from the broker will fail with the error code set to
// ErrPurgeInflight.
// Warning: Purging messages that are in-flight to or from the broker
// will ignore any sub-sequent acknowledgement for these messages
// received from the broker, effectively making it impossible
// for the application to know if the messages were successfully
// produced or not. This may result in duplicate messages if the
// application retries these messages at a later time.
// Note: This call may block for a short time while background thread
// queues are purged.
// Returns nil on success, ErrInvalidArg if the purge flags are invalid or unknown.
func (p *Producer) Purge(flags int) error {
cErr := C.rd_kafka_purge(p.handle.rk,
return newError(cErr)
return nil
// NewProducer creates a new high-level Producer instance.
// conf is a *ConfigMap with standard librdkafka configuration properties.
// Supported special configuration properties (type, default):
// go.batch.producer (bool, false) - EXPERIMENTAL: Enable batch producer (for increased performance).
// These batches do not relate to Kafka message batches in any way.
// Note: timestamps and headers are not supported with this interface.
// (bool, true) - Forward per-message delivery reports to the
// Events() channel.
// (string, "key,value") - Comma separated list of fields to enable for delivery reports.
// Allowed values: all, none (or empty string), key, value, headers
// Warning: There is a performance penalty to include headers in the delivery report.
// (int, 1000000) - Events().
// (int, 1000000) - ProduceChannel() buffer size (in number of messages)
// (bool, false) - Forward log to Logs() channel.
// (chan kafka.LogEvent, nil) - Forward logs to application-provided channel instead of Logs(). Requires
func NewProducer(conf *ConfigMap) (*Producer, error) {
err := versionCheck()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
p := &Producer{}
// before we do anything with the configuration, create a copy such that
// the original is not mutated.
confCopy := conf.clone()
v, err := confCopy.extract("", false)
if v == true {
// FIXME: The filtering of successful DRs must be done in
// the Go client to avoid cgoDr memory leaks.
return nil, newErrorFromString(ErrUnsupportedFeature,
" is not currently supported by the Go client")
v, err = confCopy.extract("go.batch.producer", false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
batchProducer := v.(bool)
v, err = confCopy.extract("", true)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
p.handle.fwdDr = v.(bool)
v, err = confCopy.extract("", "key,value")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
p.handle.msgFields, err = newMessageFieldsFrom(v)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
v, err = confCopy.extract("", 1000000)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
eventsChanSize := v.(int)
v, err = confCopy.extract("", 1000000)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
produceChannelSize := v.(int)
logsChanEnable, logsChan, err := confCopy.extractLogConfig()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if int(C.rd_kafka_version()) < 0x01000000 {
// is no longer used in librdkafka >= v1.0.0
v, _ = confCopy.extract("{topic}", nil)
if v == nil {
// Enable offset reporting by default, unless overriden.
confCopy.SetKey("{topic}", true)
// Convert ConfigMap to librdkafka conf_t
cConf, err := confCopy.convert()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cErrstr := (*C.char)(C.malloc(C.size_t(256)))
// Create librdkafka producer instance
p.handle.rk = C.rd_kafka_new(C.RD_KAFKA_PRODUCER, cConf, cErrstr, 256)
if p.handle.rk == nil {
return nil, newErrorFromCString(C.RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__INVALID_ARG, cErrstr)
p.handle.p = p
p.handle.rkq = C.rd_kafka_queue_get_main(p.handle.rk) = make(chan Event, eventsChanSize)
p.produceChannel = make(chan *Message, produceChannelSize)
p.pollerTermChan = make(chan bool)
if logsChanEnable {
p.handle.setupLogQueue(logsChan, p.pollerTermChan)
go func() {
poller(p, p.pollerTermChan)
// non-batch or batch producer, only one must be used
var producer func(*Producer)
if batchProducer {
producer = channelBatchProducer
} else {
producer = channelProducer
go func() {
return p, nil
// channel_producer serves the ProduceChannel channel
func channelProducer(p *Producer) {
for m := range p.produceChannel {
err := p.produce(m, C.RD_KAFKA_MSG_F_BLOCK, nil)
if err != nil {
m.TopicPartition.Error = err <- m
// channelBatchProducer serves the ProduceChannel channel and attempts to
// improve cgo performance by using the produceBatch() interface.
func channelBatchProducer(p *Producer) {
var buffered = make(map[string][]*Message)
bufferedCnt := 0
const batchSize int = 1000000
totMsgCnt := 0
totBatchCnt := 0
for m := range p.produceChannel {
buffered[*m.TopicPartition.Topic] = append(buffered[*m.TopicPartition.Topic], m)
for true {
select {
case m, ok := <-p.produceChannel:
if !ok {
break loop2
if m == nil {
panic("nil message received on ProduceChannel")
if m.TopicPartition.Topic == nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("message without Topic received on ProduceChannel: %v", m))
buffered[*m.TopicPartition.Topic] = append(buffered[*m.TopicPartition.Topic], m)
if bufferedCnt >= batchSize {
break loop2
break loop2
totMsgCnt += len(buffered)
for topic, buffered2 := range buffered {
err := p.produceBatch(topic, buffered2, C.RD_KAFKA_MSG_F_BLOCK)
if err != nil {
for _, m = range buffered2 {
m.TopicPartition.Error = err <- m
buffered = make(map[string][]*Message)
bufferedCnt = 0
// poller polls the rd_kafka_t handle for events until signalled for termination
func poller(p *Producer, termChan chan bool) {
for {
select {
case _ = <-termChan:
_, term := p.handle.eventPoll(, 100, 1000, termChan)
if term {
// GetMetadata queries broker for cluster and topic metadata.
// If topic is non-nil only information about that topic is returned, else if
// allTopics is false only information about locally used topics is returned,
// else information about all topics is returned.
// GetMetadata is equivalent to listTopics, describeTopics and describeCluster in the Java API.
func (p *Producer) GetMetadata(topic *string, allTopics bool, timeoutMs int) (*Metadata, error) {
return getMetadata(p, topic, allTopics, timeoutMs)
// QueryWatermarkOffsets returns the broker's low and high offsets for the given topic
// and partition.
func (p *Producer) QueryWatermarkOffsets(topic string, partition int32, timeoutMs int) (low, high int64, err error) {
return queryWatermarkOffsets(p, topic, partition, timeoutMs)
// OffsetsForTimes looks up offsets by timestamp for the given partitions.
// The returned offset for each partition is the earliest offset whose
// timestamp is greater than or equal to the given timestamp in the
// corresponding partition. If the provided timestamp exceeds that of the
// last message in the partition, a value of -1 will be returned.
// The timestamps to query are represented as `.Offset` in the `times`
// argument and the looked up offsets are represented as `.Offset` in the returned
// `offsets` list.
// The function will block for at most timeoutMs milliseconds.
// Duplicate Topic+Partitions are not supported.
// Per-partition errors may be returned in the `.Error` field.
func (p *Producer) OffsetsForTimes(times []TopicPartition, timeoutMs int) (offsets []TopicPartition, err error) {
return offsetsForTimes(p, times, timeoutMs)
// GetFatalError returns an Error object if the client instance has raised a fatal error, else nil.
func (p *Producer) GetFatalError() error {
return getFatalError(p)
// TestFatalError triggers a fatal error in the underlying client.
// This is to be used strictly for testing purposes.
func (p *Producer) TestFatalError(code ErrorCode, str string) ErrorCode {
return testFatalError(p, code, str)
// SetOAuthBearerToken sets the the data to be transmitted
// to a broker during SASL/OAUTHBEARER authentication. It will return nil
// on success, otherwise an error if:
// 1) the token data is invalid (meaning an expiration time in the past
// or either a token value or an extension key or value that does not meet
// the regular expression requirements as per
// 2) SASL/OAUTHBEARER is not supported by the underlying librdkafka build;
// 3) SASL/OAUTHBEARER is supported but is not configured as the client's
// authentication mechanism.
func (p *Producer) SetOAuthBearerToken(oauthBearerToken OAuthBearerToken) error {
return p.handle.setOAuthBearerToken(oauthBearerToken)
// SetOAuthBearerTokenFailure sets the error message describing why token
// retrieval/setting failed; it also schedules a new token refresh event for 10
// seconds later so the attempt may be retried. It will return nil on
// success, otherwise an error if:
// 1) SASL/OAUTHBEARER is not supported by the underlying librdkafka build;
// 2) SASL/OAUTHBEARER is supported but is not configured as the client's
// authentication mechanism.
func (p *Producer) SetOAuthBearerTokenFailure(errstr string) error {
return p.handle.setOAuthBearerTokenFailure(errstr)
// Transactional API
// InitTransactions Initializes transactions for the producer instance.
// This function ensures any transactions initiated by previous instances
// of the producer with the same `` are completed.
// If the previous instance failed with a transaction in progress the
// previous transaction will be aborted.
// This function needs to be called before any other transactional or
// produce functions are called when the `` is configured.
// If the last transaction had begun completion (following transaction commit)
// but not yet finished, this function will await the previous transaction's
// completion.
// When any previous transactions have been fenced this function
// will acquire the internal producer id and epoch, used in all future
// transactional messages issued by this producer instance.
// Upon successful return from this function the application has to perform at
// least one of the following operations within `` to
// avoid timing out the transaction on the broker:
// * `Produce()` (
// * `SendOffsetsToTransaction()`
// * `CommitTransaction()`
// * `AbortTransaction()`
// Parameters:
// * `ctx` - The maximum time to block, or nil for indefinite.
// On timeout the operation may continue in the background,
// depending on state, and it is okay to call `InitTransactions()`
// again.
// Returns nil on success or an error on failure.
// Check whether the returned error object permits retrying
// by calling `err.(kafka.Error).IsRetriable()`, or whether a fatal
// error has been raised by calling `err.(kafka.Error).IsFatal()`.
func (p *Producer) InitTransactions(ctx context.Context) error {
cError := C.rd_kafka_init_transactions(p.handle.rk,
if cError != nil {
return newErrorFromCErrorDestroy(cError)
return nil
// BeginTransaction starts a new transaction.
// `InitTransactions()` must have been called successfully (once)
// before this function is called.
// Any messages produced, offsets sent (`SendOffsetsToTransaction()`),
// etc, after the successful return of this function will be part of
// the transaction and committed or aborted atomatically.
// Finish the transaction by calling `CommitTransaction()` or
// abort the transaction by calling `AbortTransaction()`.
// Returns nil on success or an error object on failure.
// Check whether a fatal error has been raised by
// calling `err.(kafka.Error).IsFatal()`.
// Note: With the transactional producer, `Produce()`,, are only
// allowed during an on-going transaction, as started with this function.
// Any produce call outside an on-going transaction, or for a failed
// transaction, will fail.
func (p *Producer) BeginTransaction() error {
cError := C.rd_kafka_begin_transaction(p.handle.rk)
if cError != nil {
return newErrorFromCErrorDestroy(cError)
return nil
// SendOffsetsToTransaction sends a list of topic partition offsets to the
// consumer group coordinator for `consumerMetadata`, and marks the offsets
// as part part of the current transaction.
// These offsets will be considered committed only if the transaction is
// committed successfully.
// The offsets should be the next message your application will consume,
// i.e., the last processed message's offset + 1 for each partition.
// Either track the offsets manually during processing or use
// `consumer.Position()` (on the consumer) to get the current offsets for
// the partitions assigned to the consumer.
// Use this method at the end of a consume-transform-produce loop prior
// to committing the transaction with `CommitTransaction()`.
// Parameters:
// * `ctx` - The maximum amount of time to block, or nil for indefinite.
// * `offsets` - List of offsets to commit to the consumer group upon
// successful commit of the transaction. Offsets should be
// the next message to consume, e.g., last processed message + 1.
// * `consumerMetadata` - The current consumer group metadata as returned by
// `consumer.GetConsumerGroupMetadata()` on the consumer
// instance the provided offsets were consumed from.
// Note: The consumer must disable auto commits (set `` to false on the consumer).
// Note: Logical and invalid offsets (e.g., OffsetInvalid) in
// `offsets` will be ignored. If there are no valid offsets in
// `offsets` the function will return nil and no action will be taken.
// Returns nil on success or an error object on failure.
// Check whether the returned error object permits retrying
// by calling `err.(kafka.Error).IsRetriable()`, or whether an abortable
// or fatal error has been raised by calling
// `err.(kafka.Error).TxnRequiresAbort()` or `err.(kafka.Error).IsFatal()`
// respectively.
func (p *Producer) SendOffsetsToTransaction(ctx context.Context, offsets []TopicPartition, consumerMetadata *ConsumerGroupMetadata) error {
var cOffsets *C.rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t
if offsets != nil {
cOffsets = newCPartsFromTopicPartitions(offsets)
defer C.rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_destroy(cOffsets)
cgmd, err := deserializeConsumerGroupMetadata(consumerMetadata.serialized)
if err != nil {
return err
defer C.rd_kafka_consumer_group_metadata_destroy(cgmd)
cError := C.rd_kafka_send_offsets_to_transaction(
if cError != nil {
return newErrorFromCErrorDestroy(cError)
return nil
// CommitTransaction commits the current transaction.
// Any outstanding messages will be flushed (delivered) before actually
// committing the transaction.
// If any of the outstanding messages fail permanently the current
// transaction will enter the abortable error state and this
// function will return an abortable error, in this case the application
// must call `AbortTransaction()` before attempting a new
// transaction with `BeginTransaction()`.
// Parameters:
// * `ctx` - The maximum amount of time to block, or nil for indefinite.
// Note: This function will block until all outstanding messages are
// delivered and the transaction commit request has been successfully
// handled by the transaction coordinator, or until the `ctx` expires,
// which ever comes first. On timeout the application may
// call the function again.
// Note: Will automatically call `Flush()` to ensure all queued
// messages are delivered before attempting to commit the transaction.
// The application MUST serve the `producer.Events()` channel for delivery
// reports in a separate go-routine during this time.
// Returns nil on success or an error object on failure.
// Check whether the returned error object permits retrying
// by calling `err.(kafka.Error).IsRetriable()`, or whether an abortable
// or fatal error has been raised by calling
// `err.(kafka.Error).TxnRequiresAbort()` or `err.(kafka.Error).IsFatal()`
// respectively.
func (p *Producer) CommitTransaction(ctx context.Context) error {
cError := C.rd_kafka_commit_transaction(p.handle.rk,
if cError != nil {
return newErrorFromCErrorDestroy(cError)
return nil
// AbortTransaction aborts the ongoing transaction.
// This function should also be used to recover from non-fatal abortable
// transaction errors.
// Any outstanding messages will be purged and fail with
// `ErrPurgeInflight` or `ErrPurgeQueue`.
// Parameters:
// * `ctx` - The maximum amount of time to block, or nil for indefinite.
// Note: This function will block until all outstanding messages are purged
// and the transaction abort request has been successfully
// handled by the transaction coordinator, or until the `ctx` expires,
// which ever comes first. On timeout the application may
// call the function again.
// Note: Will automatically call `Purge()` and `Flush()` to ensure all queued
// and in-flight messages are purged before attempting to abort the transaction.
// The application MUST serve the `producer.Events()` channel for delivery
// reports in a separate go-routine during this time.
// Returns nil on success or an error object on failure.
// Check whether the returned error object permits retrying
// by calling `err.(kafka.Error).IsRetriable()`, or whether a fatal error
// has been raised by calling `err.(kafka.Error).IsFatal()`.
func (p *Producer) AbortTransaction(ctx context.Context) error {
cError := C.rd_kafka_abort_transaction(p.handle.rk,
if cError != nil {
return newErrorFromCErrorDestroy(cError)
return nil