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3 years ago
// Copyright (C) MongoDB, Inc. 2017-present.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
// a copy of the License at
package mongo
import (
type bulkWriteBatch struct {
models []WriteModel
canRetry bool
indexes []int
// bulkWrite perfoms a bulkwrite operation
type bulkWrite struct {
ordered *bool
bypassDocumentValidation *bool
models []WriteModel
session *session.Client
collection *Collection
selector description.ServerSelector
writeConcern *writeconcern.WriteConcern
result BulkWriteResult
let interface{}
func (bw *bulkWrite) execute(ctx context.Context) error {
ordered := true
if bw.ordered != nil {
ordered = *bw.ordered
batches := createBatches(bw.models, ordered)
bw.result = BulkWriteResult{
UpsertedIDs: make(map[int64]interface{}),
bwErr := BulkWriteException{
WriteErrors: make([]BulkWriteError, 0),
var lastErr error
continueOnError := !ordered
for _, batch := range batches {
if len(batch.models) == 0 {
batchRes, batchErr, err := bw.runBatch(ctx, batch)
bwErr.WriteConcernError = batchErr.WriteConcernError
bwErr.Labels = append(bwErr.Labels, batchErr.Labels...)
bwErr.WriteErrors = append(bwErr.WriteErrors, batchErr.WriteErrors...)
commandErrorOccurred := err != nil && err != driver.ErrUnacknowledgedWrite
writeErrorOccurred := len(batchErr.WriteErrors) > 0 || batchErr.WriteConcernError != nil
if !continueOnError && (commandErrorOccurred || writeErrorOccurred) {
if err != nil {
return err
return bwErr
if err != nil {
lastErr = err
bw.result.MatchedCount -= bw.result.UpsertedCount
if lastErr != nil {
_, lastErr = processWriteError(lastErr)
return lastErr
if len(bwErr.WriteErrors) > 0 || bwErr.WriteConcernError != nil {
return bwErr
return nil
func (bw *bulkWrite) runBatch(ctx context.Context, batch bulkWriteBatch) (BulkWriteResult, BulkWriteException, error) {
batchRes := BulkWriteResult{
UpsertedIDs: make(map[int64]interface{}),
batchErr := BulkWriteException{}
var writeErrors []driver.WriteError
switch batch.models[0].(type) {
case *InsertOneModel:
res, err := bw.runInsert(ctx, batch)
if err != nil {
writeErr, ok := err.(driver.WriteCommandError)
if !ok {
return BulkWriteResult{}, batchErr, err
writeErrors = writeErr.WriteErrors
batchErr.Labels = writeErr.Labels
batchErr.WriteConcernError = convertDriverWriteConcernError(writeErr.WriteConcernError)
batchRes.InsertedCount = int64(res.N)
case *DeleteOneModel, *DeleteManyModel:
res, err := bw.runDelete(ctx, batch)
if err != nil {
writeErr, ok := err.(driver.WriteCommandError)
if !ok {
return BulkWriteResult{}, batchErr, err
writeErrors = writeErr.WriteErrors
batchErr.Labels = writeErr.Labels
batchErr.WriteConcernError = convertDriverWriteConcernError(writeErr.WriteConcernError)
batchRes.DeletedCount = int64(res.N)
case *ReplaceOneModel, *UpdateOneModel, *UpdateManyModel:
res, err := bw.runUpdate(ctx, batch)
if err != nil {
writeErr, ok := err.(driver.WriteCommandError)
if !ok {
return BulkWriteResult{}, batchErr, err
writeErrors = writeErr.WriteErrors
batchErr.Labels = writeErr.Labels
batchErr.WriteConcernError = convertDriverWriteConcernError(writeErr.WriteConcernError)
batchRes.MatchedCount = int64(res.N)
batchRes.ModifiedCount = int64(res.NModified)
batchRes.UpsertedCount = int64(len(res.Upserted))
for _, upsert := range res.Upserted {
batchRes.UpsertedIDs[int64(batch.indexes[upsert.Index])] = upsert.ID
batchErr.WriteErrors = make([]BulkWriteError, 0, len(writeErrors))
convWriteErrors := writeErrorsFromDriverWriteErrors(writeErrors)
for _, we := range convWriteErrors {
request := batch.models[we.Index]
we.Index = batch.indexes[we.Index]
batchErr.WriteErrors = append(batchErr.WriteErrors, BulkWriteError{
WriteError: we,
Request: request,
return batchRes, batchErr, nil
func (bw *bulkWrite) runInsert(ctx context.Context, batch bulkWriteBatch) (operation.InsertResult, error) {
docs := make([]bsoncore.Document, len(batch.models))
var i int
for _, model := range batch.models {
converted := model.(*InsertOneModel)
doc, _, err := transformAndEnsureID(bw.collection.registry, converted.Document)
if err != nil {
return operation.InsertResult{}, err
docs[i] = doc
op := operation.NewInsert(docs...).
if bw.bypassDocumentValidation != nil && *bw.bypassDocumentValidation {
op = op.BypassDocumentValidation(*bw.bypassDocumentValidation)
if bw.ordered != nil {
op = op.Ordered(*bw.ordered)
retry := driver.RetryNone
if bw.collection.client.retryWrites && batch.canRetry {
retry = driver.RetryOncePerCommand
op = op.Retry(retry)
err := op.Execute(ctx)
return op.Result(), err
func (bw *bulkWrite) runDelete(ctx context.Context, batch bulkWriteBatch) (operation.DeleteResult, error) {
docs := make([]bsoncore.Document, len(batch.models))
var i int
var hasHint bool
for _, model := range batch.models {
var doc bsoncore.Document
var err error
switch converted := model.(type) {
case *DeleteOneModel:
doc, err = createDeleteDoc(converted.Filter, converted.Collation, converted.Hint, true, bw.collection.registry)
hasHint = hasHint || (converted.Hint != nil)
case *DeleteManyModel:
doc, err = createDeleteDoc(converted.Filter, converted.Collation, converted.Hint, false, bw.collection.registry)
hasHint = hasHint || (converted.Hint != nil)
if err != nil {
return operation.DeleteResult{}, err
docs[i] = doc
op := operation.NewDelete(docs...).
if bw.let != nil {
let, err := transformBsoncoreDocument(bw.collection.registry, bw.let, true, "let")
if err != nil {
return operation.DeleteResult{}, err
op = op.Let(let)
if bw.ordered != nil {
op = op.Ordered(*bw.ordered)
retry := driver.RetryNone
if bw.collection.client.retryWrites && batch.canRetry {
retry = driver.RetryOncePerCommand
op = op.Retry(retry)
err := op.Execute(ctx)
return op.Result(), err
func createDeleteDoc(filter interface{}, collation *options.Collation, hint interface{}, deleteOne bool,
registry *bsoncodec.Registry) (bsoncore.Document, error) {
f, err := transformBsoncoreDocument(registry, filter, true, "filter")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var limit int32
if deleteOne {
limit = 1
didx, doc := bsoncore.AppendDocumentStart(nil)
doc = bsoncore.AppendDocumentElement(doc, "q", f)
doc = bsoncore.AppendInt32Element(doc, "limit", limit)
if collation != nil {
doc = bsoncore.AppendDocumentElement(doc, "collation", collation.ToDocument())
if hint != nil {
hintVal, err := transformValue(registry, hint, false, "hint")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
doc = bsoncore.AppendValueElement(doc, "hint", hintVal)
doc, _ = bsoncore.AppendDocumentEnd(doc, didx)
return doc, nil
func (bw *bulkWrite) runUpdate(ctx context.Context, batch bulkWriteBatch) (operation.UpdateResult, error) {
docs := make([]bsoncore.Document, len(batch.models))
var hasHint bool
var hasArrayFilters bool
for i, model := range batch.models {
var doc bsoncore.Document
var err error
switch converted := model.(type) {
case *ReplaceOneModel:
doc, err = createUpdateDoc(converted.Filter, converted.Replacement, converted.Hint, nil, converted.Collation, converted.Upsert, false,
false, bw.collection.registry)
hasHint = hasHint || (converted.Hint != nil)
case *UpdateOneModel:
doc, err = createUpdateDoc(converted.Filter, converted.Update, converted.Hint, converted.ArrayFilters, converted.Collation, converted.Upsert, false,
true, bw.collection.registry)
hasHint = hasHint || (converted.Hint != nil)
hasArrayFilters = hasArrayFilters || (converted.ArrayFilters != nil)
case *UpdateManyModel:
doc, err = createUpdateDoc(converted.Filter, converted.Update, converted.Hint, converted.ArrayFilters, converted.Collation, converted.Upsert, true,
true, bw.collection.registry)
hasHint = hasHint || (converted.Hint != nil)
hasArrayFilters = hasArrayFilters || (converted.ArrayFilters != nil)
if err != nil {
return operation.UpdateResult{}, err
docs[i] = doc
op := operation.NewUpdate(docs...).
if bw.let != nil {
let, err := transformBsoncoreDocument(bw.collection.registry, bw.let, true, "let")
if err != nil {
return operation.UpdateResult{}, err
op = op.Let(let)
if bw.ordered != nil {
op = op.Ordered(*bw.ordered)
if bw.bypassDocumentValidation != nil && *bw.bypassDocumentValidation {
op = op.BypassDocumentValidation(*bw.bypassDocumentValidation)
retry := driver.RetryNone
if bw.collection.client.retryWrites && batch.canRetry {
retry = driver.RetryOncePerCommand
op = op.Retry(retry)
err := op.Execute(ctx)
return op.Result(), err
func createUpdateDoc(
filter interface{},
update interface{},
hint interface{},
arrayFilters *options.ArrayFilters,
collation *options.Collation,
upsert *bool,
multi bool,
checkDollarKey bool,
registry *bsoncodec.Registry,
) (bsoncore.Document, error) {
f, err := transformBsoncoreDocument(registry, filter, true, "filter")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
uidx, updateDoc := bsoncore.AppendDocumentStart(nil)
updateDoc = bsoncore.AppendDocumentElement(updateDoc, "q", f)
u, err := transformUpdateValue(registry, update, checkDollarKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
updateDoc = bsoncore.AppendValueElement(updateDoc, "u", u)
if multi {
updateDoc = bsoncore.AppendBooleanElement(updateDoc, "multi", multi)
if arrayFilters != nil {
arr, err := arrayFilters.ToArrayDocument()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
updateDoc = bsoncore.AppendArrayElement(updateDoc, "arrayFilters", arr)
if collation != nil {
updateDoc = bsoncore.AppendDocumentElement(updateDoc, "collation", bsoncore.Document(collation.ToDocument()))
if upsert != nil {
updateDoc = bsoncore.AppendBooleanElement(updateDoc, "upsert", *upsert)
if hint != nil {
hintVal, err := transformValue(registry, hint, false, "hint")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
updateDoc = bsoncore.AppendValueElement(updateDoc, "hint", hintVal)
updateDoc, _ = bsoncore.AppendDocumentEnd(updateDoc, uidx)
return updateDoc, nil
func createBatches(models []WriteModel, ordered bool) []bulkWriteBatch {
if ordered {
return createOrderedBatches(models)
batches := make([]bulkWriteBatch, 5)
batches[insertCommand].canRetry = true
batches[deleteOneCommand].canRetry = true
batches[updateOneCommand].canRetry = true
// TODO(GODRIVER-1157): fix batching once operation retryability is fixed
for i, model := range models {
switch model.(type) {
case *InsertOneModel:
batches[insertCommand].models = append(batches[insertCommand].models, model)
batches[insertCommand].indexes = append(batches[insertCommand].indexes, i)
case *DeleteOneModel:
batches[deleteOneCommand].models = append(batches[deleteOneCommand].models, model)
batches[deleteOneCommand].indexes = append(batches[deleteOneCommand].indexes, i)
case *DeleteManyModel:
batches[deleteManyCommand].models = append(batches[deleteManyCommand].models, model)
batches[deleteManyCommand].indexes = append(batches[deleteManyCommand].indexes, i)
case *ReplaceOneModel, *UpdateOneModel:
batches[updateOneCommand].models = append(batches[updateOneCommand].models, model)
batches[updateOneCommand].indexes = append(batches[updateOneCommand].indexes, i)
case *UpdateManyModel:
batches[updateManyCommand].models = append(batches[updateManyCommand].models, model)
batches[updateManyCommand].indexes = append(batches[updateManyCommand].indexes, i)
return batches
func createOrderedBatches(models []WriteModel) []bulkWriteBatch {
var batches []bulkWriteBatch
var prevKind writeCommandKind = -1
i := -1 // batch index
for ind, model := range models {
var createNewBatch bool
var canRetry bool
var newKind writeCommandKind
// TODO(GODRIVER-1157): fix batching once operation retryability is fixed
switch model.(type) {
case *InsertOneModel:
createNewBatch = prevKind != insertCommand
canRetry = true
newKind = insertCommand
case *DeleteOneModel:
createNewBatch = prevKind != deleteOneCommand
canRetry = true
newKind = deleteOneCommand
case *DeleteManyModel:
createNewBatch = prevKind != deleteManyCommand
newKind = deleteManyCommand
case *ReplaceOneModel, *UpdateOneModel:
createNewBatch = prevKind != updateOneCommand
canRetry = true
newKind = updateOneCommand
case *UpdateManyModel:
createNewBatch = prevKind != updateManyCommand
newKind = updateManyCommand
if createNewBatch {
batches = append(batches, bulkWriteBatch{
models: []WriteModel{model},
canRetry: canRetry,
indexes: []int{ind},
} else {
batches[i].models = append(batches[i].models, model)
if !canRetry {
batches[i].canRetry = false // don't make it true if it was already false
batches[i].indexes = append(batches[i].indexes, ind)
prevKind = newKind
return batches
func (bw *bulkWrite) mergeResults(newResult BulkWriteResult) {
bw.result.InsertedCount += newResult.InsertedCount
bw.result.MatchedCount += newResult.MatchedCount
bw.result.ModifiedCount += newResult.ModifiedCount
bw.result.DeletedCount += newResult.DeletedCount
bw.result.UpsertedCount += newResult.UpsertedCount
for index, upsertID := range newResult.UpsertedIDs {
bw.result.UpsertedIDs[index] = upsertID
// WriteCommandKind is the type of command represented by a Write
type writeCommandKind int8
// These constants represent the valid types of write commands.
const (
insertCommand writeCommandKind = iota